Guide for Authors

Before you submit your research, please make sure your paper meets the below criteria:

  1. Your paper is an original work and has not been published or is currently under review with another journal.
  2. Only authors who have contributed to the work are added. 
  3. Your work meets all Research Ethics and Reporting Standards. Many study types require a workflow as a figure and/or a completed checklist uploaded as a supplementary file for peer review.
  4. Your figures are of acceptable quality and uploaded as separate files. Line art should be 900-1200 DPI, images 300 DPI.Images should be minimally processed to uphold their original integrity.
  5. Your references are formatted correctly and numbered as they appear in the text. (CSE Style Manual N-Y (Council of Science Editors)

    For Example

    Board J. 2001. Reduced lodging for soybeans in low plant populations is related to light quality. Crop Sci. 41(2): 379-87.

  6. Data and complete methods should be made available so that others may replicate your study.

  7. Authors must have an understanding and agreement to pay any applicable article processing charges (APCs).

  8. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims & scope of the journal will be reviewed.